black satellite tower under blue skies

How to Get Free Data on Mobile – Is It Possible?

black satellite tower under blue skies
Photo by Sparsh Karki on

A lot of people have had fantasies about free data. Is this something that’s actually possible? There are a couple of ways to do this. We can say that there are white hat tricks that are totally doable. There are other tactics that maybe are a bit on the shady side. Is getting free data possible? Yes, but mostly not from a service provider. We’re going to explain that in a bit. As we are technically a travel site, we’re also going to explore how some of these tactics can certainly help lower your phone bill when you’re abroad. In fact, if you’re not on an unlimited plan, free data is certainly something you should be looking for. How to get free data on mobile then? 

If there was a free Wi-Fi password hacker app that worked, would you download it? Some people may be honest and realize that what they’re doing is literally stealing coverage. For some reason, we usually don’t see stealing Wi-Fi coverage as actual stealing. This though is one of the things that you need to watch out for. Yes, to write this article we tested a couple of these apps as well. If you were wondering. Here are some of the topics that we’re going to cover. You surely should find an effective way of how to get free data on mobile wherever possible after reading this.       

  • What Is Really “Free Data”? 
  • How To Get Free Data On Mobile Through Apps 
  • Free Public Wi-Fi Is The True Answer 
  • How It All Applies To Traveling 
  • How To Get Free Data On Mobile: Is Free Data Safe? 
  • Can You Get Free Data From A Service Provider? 

What Is Really “Free Data”? 

Obviously, free is something that you’re not paying for, shocker, right? The thing is, a lot of the instances where people talk about getting free data are not actually free. For example, if you head over to the coffee shop to be able to get data, a lot of times you need to buy something to be able to have access to the Wi-Fi. Most of the instances where we talk about free data, you actually have to make some type of purchase and then data is going to be provided. Therefore, hotels, restaurants or other places that offer Wi-Fi aren’t necessarily ways to get free data. Your ability to get data is conditional to you making another purchase. 

A true method of obtaining free data, for example, would be if a friend shared his or her data with you. Whether that be by giving you a home Wi-Fi password or sharing their photo data and allowing you to connect as if it were Wi-Fi. The last method, which is virtually the only true white hat way of how to get free data on mobile, is through a public Wi-Fi spot. This is something that we are going to talk about later on. One of the biggest problems though when it comes to getting free data is that you need some type of internet coverage to be able to search for it! It’s hard to figure out how to get the egg before you have chicken, or however you want to look at it.     

How To Get Free Data On Mobile Through Apps 

Again, one of the biggest issues that you’re going to be facing is that you need to have at least a home Wi-Fi network or Wi-Fi at some point to be able to do this. Otherwise, you won’t be able to download the app. Ask a friend, use your home network, or use a public network that you know of. The thing though, with how to get free data on mobile through apps is that there are a ton of them out there, and very actually work! There are different apps that you’re going to be able to find. Some outright promise free data. Those are most likely a fraud. Here’s the main issue with apps that offer for example free Verizon coverage. If someone was able to hack Verizon more often than not, they wouldn’t give away coverage. That’s just a fact. 

You have to be smart with a lot of these apps. The second type of app that you’re going to find out there are the ones that hack into Wi-Fi passwords. With these apps, you would potentially be able to find someone’s Wi-Fi password to access their network. There are some apps out there that can “work”. Most of what you’re going to find is more likely to hack into your phone and steal your data than someone else’s. Again, be smart about this. If there’s an app that can hack passwords, what could it do to your phone if you install it? If someone was able to adapt this technology, would they give it away for free? Sure, some men just want to watch the world burn, but most are looking for cash.      

How to get free data on mobile through apps, then? Is there a real, and safe way to get this done? We’ve actually found a way. Better yet, we’ve found a webpage/app that’s going to help you find literal free data. It may not be exactly what you were hoping to find here. However, we have to say it’s the safest option that we’ve been able to find. We’ve also been able to prove that it works. The app or website gives you a list of the open Wi-Fi spots in and near your location. You can access it at      

Free Public Wi-Fi Is The True Answer 

The “safest” way to get free data is through public Wi-Fi. This is something that is becoming more and more common in buildings and public places. Things like parks, and libraries are some of the popular areas that are getting public Wi-Fi. In these cases, they happen to be the only true “white hat” way of how to get free data on mobile. There’s usually no one out there that’s going to limit the amount of time that you can spend in these places. So a lot of times they are not only places to get data for mobile.   

If you need to power up the laptop and get to work, but you maybe don’t want to go to the coffee shop, these are places that you can visit. The website that we talked about above is actually capable of listing all of the different areas that offer public Wi-Fi. Again, potentially the biggest problem that you’re going to face is that you need Wi-Fi to access the page. For example in your hometown, it may be a good idea to check out this page whenever you do have internet access like right now! Literally, then jot down the places that offer free Wi-Fi.  

We have to be honest with this one here. Usually, these places are not the best spots to get high speed. You’re going to have a good number of devices typically hooked up to the network. This is going to cause some delays. Again, though, if you’re actively looking for free Wi-Fi, it could be a good idea to scope out some of the places that offer it. That way, you’ll know which ones typically have a large crowd in them. There may be some that have better devices to provide the Wi-Fi as well. The site that we talked about can help you on that quest!    

How It All Applies To Traveling

woman looking at the map
Photo by Leah Kelley on

Getting data on mobile when you’re traveling outside of your home country is something that can be expensive. Virtually this whole site is filled with evidence of that. What a lot of people end up doing when they travel is that they’ll cut out the coverage from the regular service providers. All of this, in an attempt to avoid roaming fees. What they’ll then do is just use the Wi-Fi in public places or places like hotels and restaurants. We’ve mentioned that these places don’t necessarily provide “free data”. That being said, if you’re going to eat anyway, then you could see the Wi-Fi coverage as free. 

The tool that we mentioned above is one that we really liked. One of the biggest upsides to it is that it features free Wi-Fi hotspots in different countries across the world. Without a doubt, the app and web page can be a major boost for travelers. If you travel for example to a country that is outside of the country coverage list that your regular wireless service provider offers, Wi-Fi may be the only option you have left! Yes, there are local SIM cards, but we promised we’d go one article without talking about them. You can check the page before you arrive at each city and figure out how to get free data on mobile in that city. Doing this actively could lower your phone bill when you travel considerably! 

How To Get Free Data On Mobile: Is Free Data Safe? 

You’ve probably heard that using a public Wi-Fi network isn’t necessarily the safest thing that you can do. We’d have to say that we agree with that 100%. There are a couple of things that you probably shouldn’t be doing on a public network. Things like making purchases and different types of web transactions while on public networks are probably things you want to avoid. That being said, are public networks safer than most of the apps that offer free data? That’s also a yes. Trying to install different apps on your phone that offer free data can be more dangerous because of the trial and error process that it usually takes. If you even find true free data. 

Another thing that is also true is that when you’re looking for free data, you can’t be too picky! There are things though that you can do to keep yourself safe. If you watch YouTube videos, you’ve probably heard of VPNs. Don’t worry, this is not a commercial for them. If you’re going to be using a lot of public networks as you’re traveling, it could be a good idea to download one for sure. It’s going to provide a decent layer of protection. Obviously, not all of these open networks are the worst thing in the world. Particularly if you’re just there to send some texts and things like that. 

Can You Get Free Data From A Service Provider?

Free, free data? Yeah, no, that’s not really going to happen. A lot of times, the sooner you realize, the less time you can potentially spend searching for something that’s just really not going to play out the way you expect it to. You do know that service providers round up to the nearest minute in calls, right? A 1 minute and 1-second call is charged as 2 minutes. They may be a little bit more benevolent with data than they are with minutes. Still don’t expect any type of help really. Just being honest. 

We’ve mentioned this before, but people that promise free data online are most likely a fraud. Getting “free data” from any service provider from some random dude online is just not likely. Looking for it is something that can be way more detrimental than helpful. You may want to spend that time instead of looking for a public Wi-Fi network near you. Even if it’s with other tools and not the ones that we’ve provided for you. As we mentioned, knowing where you can find free data in your hometown may be something that comes in handy one day. You may want to look into it! 

How to Get Free Data on Mobile – Conclusion

There are ways to get free data, but you really can’t expect that data to be the best. The public Wi-Fi option is one that can really work out for things like emergencies or for some travelers that are trying to cut down on their data usage. Some of the other places where you can get data may not necessarily be free. If you’re going to be there anyway, then take advantage of it for sure. Expecting from virtually any wireless service provider is unrealistic. Phone data is probably not something that you’ll be able to get with coupons or relying on promos.  

There’s a real solution for how to get free data on mobile. However, we wouldn’t say that the solution is a good long-term plan. Again, though, you really never know what could happen, and you may need free data. Memorizing a couple of places in your hometown where you can get free data may not be the worst way to go about things. In fact, it can actually get you out of a tough situation. Particularly now that more people are working from home and essentially how reliant we’ve become on internet coverage for everything!